Thursday 22 March 2012

Title Analysis - Mark


My first title analysis is on the thriller Drive. even in the screenshot above shows a lot about the film; you have the main character on the left hand side, he is also in a car which would go with the name of the film 'Drive', and also the colour of the word 'Drive' is pink, which I'm sure has some relevance to the film in some way. They showed the man character with the title in he middle of the screen because it shows he will be associated with the word drive and his importance in the film; they want to let the audience know he will be a significant part of the film. It is also in the centre of the clip as it is not obstructing anything, and attracts the audience's attention. Throughout the main title sequence is of the character driving and the mood is very weary as the character looks scared. The music accompanying the sequence is very slow and beat cutting is used to change to a different shot. 

Taxi Driver 

The title sequence for Taxi Driver consists of a taxi reversing out of the camera shot, and as the taxi goes across the screen the words 'Taxi Driver' appear which is a good way to show the name of the film. The colour of the font is also a yellowy orange and white, which is the colour of the taxi's in this film which helps suggest the film is about taxis. The music is very tense on this sequence and as the car gets closer to the camera, the music gets louder and goes to a big bang as the car goes out the camera and the whole title comes up. After the car goes across the screen, smoke from the exhaust pass's across and stays there until the rest of the credits have finished. The smoke and the loud music suggests the car moving away at quite a fast speed as well as if he was running away from something. 

The Dark Knight
This film was one I did for my analysis earlier, and was going to do it for this one, but studying the film; weirdly; it doesn't have any opening credits at all. I thought I would mention it as it is a completely different approach and haven't seen a film like this before. I think they may have missed out the credits as they are trying to say the audience know what film they are watching; and also it goes straight into some action so maybe they felt it wasn't necessary and they wanted the audience to concentrate on the action as it is a vital part of the film.


  1. You've done 3 Mark, but these are short and lacking detail in textual analysis - it needed careful discussion of the relationship between text and image, and the position of the titles in the opening, more like we discussed in class. All examples need illustration. I find it very hard to believe that The Dark Knight doesn't present the title at some point - are you sure you've looked far enough into the film?

  2. I've just looked - it has a very interesting and powerful title sequence which is on youtube! Be careful about relying on versions you find which may just have been cut for youtube. Do this again, as the devices used by this sequence to introduce credits and title are actually very interesting indeed.

  3. Please remind Megan that she hasn't done title analysis as far as I can see.

  4. Marion, could you please comment on this the link to where you saw it then please as I can't find it myself, and will add more analysis to the others.
