Wednesday 21 March 2012

Title Analysis - Chris


The main thing the stands out in the titling for this film is  the white/black split in the text colouring. This creates an obvious contrast between two forces in the film. In this case, the two main characters in the film contrast completely in terms of their attitudes, actions and personality. This colouring hints at this quickly, and is soon confirmed by the shots afterwards. The font is bold and creates a large impact on the viewer. The clean-cut text clearly shows the information put on the screen suggesting a simple, easy to understand nature to the film. The positioning of the titles is right in the centre of the frame for most of the shots, keeping it directly in the way at all times. This directs the users attention to it as if it was there to make a point. This suggests the nature of the film being hard hitting and also trying to leave a mark on the audience.


The film Vertigo uses one main font for the whole title. This involves a style where the characters are only made up of the outline with  the characters having no fill. This suggests that the initial and basic concepts of the film are fairly obvious, further backed up the use of a simple colour like white. Although, as you try to find a deeper meaning to them, it becomes unclear on what they are meant to symbolise. This overall, gives a sense of enigma top the film. The positioning of titles varies slightly for each title used. The main title for the however, lies directly in the centre the screen directly where the user will notice. Even more striking is that they are  directly over an eye, creating enigma and impact. One possibility for doing this could be to symbolise that the character who the eye belongs to is important to the story and holds deep significance. This would also go with the the placement of the other titles, featuring on areas of the person's face. The music that has been put to the titles sounds mysterious and matches with the enigma created by the images used in the titles. The overall feel of the title is a strong sense of enigma with a feeling that not everything is how it immediately seems.


The titles of this film strongly hint towards a general underground theme for the film. The background if the titles are an earthy pattern which links directly to the title of the film. A downward pan has been used to accompany each title transition. This motion, along with a text blur to emphasise the movement, makes the viewer feel like their being dragged further and further down into the ground and at the same time, making the story seem confusing and mysterious. The confusion/fear created from these transitions immediately hooks the viewer into the story and makes them pay attention. The text colouring also mimics a ground theme. The colouring matches dry, cracked earth which is linked to desperation as well as linking back to the ground theme. The hard hard edged font also matches with the nature of this type of ground. Overall in this film's titles, an immediate connection has been made to the earth and links the name of the film directly into the narrative, making the viewer have some idea on what the film could be about yet not being able to be exact due to the lack of characters and extra information.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Chris. What about the rest of the group? Everyone is assessed on title research - not your problem, but perhaps a nudge in their direction would help?
