Wednesday 28 March 2012

Rough Cut, Final Opening Comparision - Shot/Reverse Shots - Chris

Final Version
Rough Cut Version

The two images above are both the same section of the shot/reverse shot sequence, with one being from the rough cut and the other coming from the final version of the opening. The first thing that is immediately noticeable is the difference in the framing of each of the shots. In the rough cut version, there has been a lot of empty space left around the subject. This left the viewer's eye able to wander around the space and put little emphasis on the subject of the shot. Getting rid of the blank space has also given the impression that the frame has been zoomed in a lot more than originally. This makes the subject easier to see and to see their body language and reactions. It also makes it easier to distinguish who the viewer is meant to be concentrating on in the frame. Along with this, the person who's shoulder we are looking over has been drastically been reduced in size and impact on the frame. This also helps focus attention on the intended subject as the viewer cannot see this person very well, and it looks more like we aren't meant to see them. Overall, the re-shot shot/reverse shots have vastly improved the quality of framing during the sequence.

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