Friday 9 March 2012

The Evidence Board - Megan

For the refiliming of certain scenes in our opening, we have chosen to have an Evidence Board on the wall situated behind the characters. We have deciced to create the evidence board together, basing ours on examples that we have found elsewhere.

This evidence board for example, is from the BBC series New Tricks. They have photos of suspects and people related in some way to the person they are investigating, as well as shots of where the death of their victim took place.

This is from the same evidence board in the same episode. A timeline from the last time the victim was seen also appears on the board.

This is a map of Brixton which we will crop and draw circles on to show areas of crimes in this area.

This is a photo of our attacker, which has been taken from a previous (minor) conviction. This will feature in our film to show the connection between the victim and the attacker. 

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