Friday 16 March 2012

Refilming - Mark

Once we started editing, we realised that some of our shots from our first session of filming were either missing, or we felt could be improved in some way.

Here are some of our missing/flawed shots:
  • ELS of Attacker - Missing
  • Robert entering the interview room - Different background
  • DOF of Victim - Too long, too fast at points

Yesterday, we re-filmed the shots we needed to re-film. It went really well and the shots we got came out much better than the ones we had previously. They looked good on the computer when we looked at them today.

Below and above are some photos of myself and Megan filming the shots we needed at Sainsbury's. Also there is James who is acting.

1 comment:

  1. Can you explain carefully what you were doing and how you achieved better shots? I know you have discussed the problems with the original, but now you need to get some screen grabs of the new material and explain how it is improved.
