Wednesday 29 February 2012

Storyboard Edit

Following the experimental work we tried with the HD camera when using focus pulling, we have decided that we would like to include more of this in our thriller opening.
To do this we have had to alter our storyboard slightly.
At 0:27 in our animatic, we have a close up of the Victim's eyes and we then cut to a close up of a radio. This is going to change when we film, as the radio is not going to feature. Instead we will cut to another shot of the attacker, and then back to the Victim in a close up profile view. To start with we will be focused on him but will then focus on the wall behind him before fading out to the six months earlier screen as before.
We feel that this change to our storyboard will make the opening work better as a whole and make the murder more obvious to the viewer.

1 comment:

  1. Here you should include illustration of the shots from the animatic to make it more interesting as a blog.
