Wednesday 8 February 2012

Film Planning - Megan, Mark and Chris

Synopsis - Chris

Below is the synopsis for what will happen after our opening:

After the opening, there is a police investigation conducted around the death of the worker and who did it. After part of the investigation has been completed, it is discovered that the victim was an ex-police officer who took part in an undercover investigation where they infiltrated a local gang. The officer left after the gang discovered that a mole was in the gang, but not the identity of the mole. The remainder of the film focuses on the investigation team tracking down the gang, whilst more police officers are being murdered. It ends with a gun fight between officers and the gang, where the gang manages to escape.

Props - Megan
  • Table
  • 2 chairs
  • Pencil & Paper for shot where Victim is writing report
  • Phone
  • Posters for the walls - 'have you seen this man'
  • 'Officer & Victim' characters will wear smart clothing, shirts & ties, in keeping with those of plain clothes police officers
  • 'Attacker' will wear smart-casual clothes, such as jeans

Location - Mark

More location information (RA and Survey) can be found here.
Below is our written permission from Sainsbury's, allowing us to use their store for filming.

Script - Mark, Chris & Megan
Chief Scene:
Victim  -  Hello Officer
Officer  -  Hi Alan, thanks for doing this for us. Are you sure about it considering the risks?
Victim  -  I think so, it's not going to be too dangerous is it?
Officer  -  Well, you'll be going undercover into the local gang to find out where their main operations are, so hopefully not. But as you know we have been trying to track them down for weeks, so they might be suspecting something.
Victim  -  Yeah I suppose, but it sounds simple enough.
Officer - You'll have to be undercover for 6 months, that should give us enough time to get sufficient evidence to arrest them.
Victim - Ok, I'll be needing to write a review then?
Officer - Yeah, preferably. Thanks for this, I know I can trust you Alan.

Timings - Mark.
Shot 1 - 2 Seconds
Shot 2 - 2 Seconds
Shot 3 - 2 Seconds
Shot 4 - 2 Seconds
Shot 5 - 1 Second
Shot 6 - 2 Seconds
Shot 7 - 2 Seconds
Shot 8 - 3 Seconds
Shot 9 - 2 Seconds
Shot 10 - 2 Seconds
Shot 11 - 2 Seconds
Shot 12 - 3 Seconds
Shot 13 - 2-3 Seconds
Shot 14 - 2 Seconds
Shot 15 - 2-3 Seconds
Shot 16 - 2 Seconds
Shot 17 - 3 Seconds
Shot 18 - 2 Seconds
Shot 19 - 2 Seconds
Shot 20 - 2 Seconds
Shot 21 - 4 Seconds
Shot 22 - 3 Seconds
Shot 23 - 4 Seconds
Shot 24 - 3 Seconds
Shot 25 - 3 Seconds
Shot 26 - 3 Seconds
Shot 27 - 3 Seconds
Shot 28 - 3 Seconds
Shot 29 - 3 Seconds
Shot 30 - 2 Seconds
Shot 31 - 2 Seconds
Shot 32 - 3 Seconds

Storyboard - Animatics - Megan, Mark and Chris
Megan did complete all of the storyboards.
This is our Animatic without the voiceover, so how it would be but without titles.

Below is our storyboard with the voiceover.


  1. Lots of good planning here. Make sure that you use images and links wherever you possibly can.

  2. The animatic is well produced and seems a workable idea. I wonder whether it might be a good idea to use more cross cutting before the attack?
