Wednesday 25 January 2012

Research Task by Robert

What is this about?

This is a quick evaluation of movies of the "thriller" genre. I will compile 5 different titles (all being thriller movies) and link them up with trailers/exerpts of the film (mostly on YouTube).

Psycho (1960)

This is considered a "classic" thriller film however it does border on the horror side of films. It features classic "thriller" sound tracks (non-diegetic sounds) and has a lot of suspense, emotional depth and gore/blood. The latter characteristics is what makes this film slightly "horror like". Never the less it is considered one of the best films of all time (not just in the thriller/horror genre). Directer: HITCHCOCK; Alfred.
Release date: June 16th 1960 (US, EU, Worldwide)

LINK: (YouTube refused to allow embedding)

The above is a good example of the classic "violin thriller soundtrack" that eventually became instantly recognisable.

The Birds (1963)

Another classic thriller film which was directed by alfred hitchcock in his so called "golden years" or the "golden era of films". The film consists of a city/town being overtaken by a stampede of birds (notably large, and made especially to be sinister). These birds attack humans and in general cause havoc. The image of hitchcock's giant seagulls is one of the most famous too and scared many even today. The soundtrack is scarse however the sound of the birds flying around is enough to classify it as a thriller. The opening is unusual in todays perspective but this was the norm back in the 60s when films where peaking. The 1930s-1940s

Dressed to kill (1980s)

I decided not to type this in pink. hold on your seat for some avant-garde ass explanation of how to over-analyze a film. just watch it and let it be but thats not the job here. This movie features the best actor in the world (my view), being Michael CAINE! infact i once met the guy as i once lived in a town where he currently resided. interesting tales!

A bit of a copy cat of psycho but nothing in the arts is truly original, well nothing but the concepts and the manner in which they are done in might be original but every musician takes elements from others just as film makes do. This clip has good use of close up and extreme close up shots to show emotion more-so than the other thrillers on this post. It is to show the emotion (and to bring out those lovely wrinkles).

The Zodiac Killer

This films is a weird choice. While it is listed as a "documentary" it is based on a true story and for me, and countless other peoples sight of line; is a thriller. It describes the plot of a genius serial killer (with all due respect he is a baddie yet you will admire him for his intelligence) just like the man who jumped out of a plane with $40,000 and a parachute and was never found, oh yes his name was DB cooper. Anyway the famous action movie "Dirty harry 1971" is half based on this plot. Excuse my throught-train method to analyze but i am very shocked by this movie so much so i heard a shot.

[EDIT; greedy selfish user made it impossible to embed yet he uploaded copyright me-trial in the first place, what a mustard!]

No country for old men 

This is a modern day classic. after watching it myself and being in awe i googled "top 10 thriller movies" and found two that i reviewed on there! this is excellent what more to say, the mise en scene, the sound (i love that desert wind flowing with the classic texas hayball rolling down). It has a somewhat surreal plot but is strictly a thriller. regards!


  1. Robert - take a look at the others in your group. They have all posted 5 analyses, and each is a much better length than yours. Yours are too short (remember what I said in the lesson) and you've only done 2! You will be losing marks for time management unless there is a very good reason for not making the deadline.

  2. You still haven't responded by amending your posts! You now need to add narrative comments and start to add points about inspiration for your own opening. More effort is needed as you have yet to achieve a pass level in the research Robert.

    1. im in a confused state. maybe next lesson with you, you could explain me everything i have to do and i will do so during lesson. im a bit slow and had abcense recently due to family issues. i will correct everything as i dont want to let the group down.
