Thursday 8 December 2011

Prelim Storyline

Character walks through a door into a room

Walks towards seating and sits down where another person already is

They have a discussion - Discussion about soon due in computing project (Match on action during script pass)(see script for dialogue)

First person passes paper with assignment instructions on

First character leaves


* Character 2 enters the room and sits down *

  1. Character 1 – Hi Dave
  2. Character 2 - Hi Jack      Names could change
  3. Character 1 - How are you?
  4. Character 2 - I’m good thanks you?
  5. Character 1 - Could be better, just been given this computing assignment
  6. Character 2 - Oh right is it that bad?
  7. Character 1 - Yeah take a look yourself! *hands assignment*
  8. Character 2 - *stares blankly at assignment* Wow, that looks really difficult, do you want any help with that?
  9. Character 1 - I think I will, can you join me in the library at lunch?
  10. Character 2 - Yeah sure see you there!
  11. Character 1 - Ok bye.
  12. Character 2 – Bye
  13. Character 1 - *walks out room*

Shot list

  1. Shot of c1 – high angle, ms
  2. Shot of c2 entering through door – ls, eye level
  3. Mid shot of c2 sitting down – ms, high angle
  4. Mcu of c1 – eye level   - dialogue begins
  5. Mcu of c2 – eye level  
  6. OTS of c2 looking at c1
  7. OTS of c1 looking at c2
  8. Continues until line 6
  9. Mid shot of c1 beginning to pass over assignment
  10. CU of hands meeting in pass over
  11. MCU c2’s reaction – eye level  dialogue continues
  12. Returns to shot/reverse shot up till line end of 10
  13. MLS of c2 getting up – High angle
  14. LS of c2 leaving – Slightly low angle

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